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A Telegram of Keren Kayemet LeYisrael

A Telegram of Keren Kayemet LeYisrael


To our friend Alex Eliezer and your bride Mrs. Chana 

For their wedding

A short blessing is 

May all our heart wishes will fulfill in you


"Tarbut" Committee

In Bialystok


A Telegram of Keren Kayemet 

Bialystok  Day 17  to the month of Shevat 5694 [2 February 1934]

Pri? - Alex  Mazel-Tov!

Congratulations to the young couple

Abundance of good wishes to the beloved parents

Rejoicing and happiness to the guests, in-laws and friends


Nachum Altman and his wife

translated by Sara Mages

2017-01-04 08:43:54
2018-03-07 11:01:36
2018-10-29 22:03:21